How investments in infrastructure are financed are as unique as the clients we serve and building budget room for traditional cash IT purchases can be an uphill battle. As providers of truly comprehensive solutions, our team can also help build IT financing solutions that allow clients to utilize the latest technology on time and on budget with Sanity Capital.

Sanity Capital offers multiple financing options to help maintain cash positions, bring IT projects within budgetary reach and make consumption scalable with your needs. We also have experience partnering with municipalities and government entities. We carry state, local education and federal contracts ensuring smooth transactions and a clear understanding of the specific processes and needs of these client types. Don’t delay innovation that can move your organization forward when the right partner can make your wish list a reality.

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Use it like you own it, pay for it like you’re borrowing it.

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Use and pay for technology only when and how long you need to.

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Volume Level Pricing

Don’t let a la carte pricing damage your ROI when packaged solutions add savings.

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Flexible Consumption

Stop the guessing game and just pay as you grow.

Keep reserves in tact.


Create new credit sources.


Easier and quicker product upgrades.

Consistently budget IT investments over time.


Possible tax and depreciation benefits.

Ready to get started?